Thursday, September 27, 2012


Mode: My BFFE, dun juz fine

My mOm is my everythings.....even, aku rasa, wut mom need kene dulukan dari apa yg aku need! *tp mOm jenis x kesah, so, boleylaa dulukan apa yg aku need! heh~

For me, mOm is my BFFE...ohmai...wut BFFE? Best Fren Forever n Ever...She's the very understanding mOm in thiz world! Veryyy hokeh!
Even da brp kali aku kater....mOm, hiking kali nieh last! no more! tp aku repeat jugak!!! & dia still bg keizinan...dalam rela atau terpaksa, tuh im juz dunno...ehe~

Last 2 nite, im call her & bgtau nk kua beli barang....boley dia cakap..."kalau dekat boley mak teman.....ala, teman kejab jer....." yeah, she do worry bout me right.....& at that time im smiling sampai telinga! she really care, she really love! Lot of love for u tooooo mOm! *that's why i dun care about being single! mOm can love & do care for me better from wut couple can do mehhh!

For me, klu nk beli sumthing for mOm, mesti carik seolah2 barang tuh aku yg nk pakai! so, for sure kiter akan cari the best utk diri kiter kan....bila kiter set in our mind camtuh, automatik kiter akan serve the best jugak utk mOm!

From study set in my mind, i want to get married by 28....coz mOm did sO.....& i want to spend my time more longer with her before im be someone wifey~ but, till now, aku still rs ms utk mOm masih x cukup.....apa yg aku buat utk mOm, masih tiada apa yg nampak! masih terlalu kecil utk dibandingkan dgn apa yg mOm da buat for me....smg Allah gimme more time for me to spending my time together with least, aku nk dia bahagia....aku nk dia happy.....& yg paling penting, aku nk dia sihat!!!

Ooo Allah, ku syukuri nikmat pemberian Mu kpdku,
Terima kasih kerana memberikanku kasih syg Mu yg melimpah ruah melalui kasih seorang mak & seorang abah.....

thanks for everything.....
thanks for ur understanding....
thanks for your care....
thanks for ur love.....
u is "Separuh aku dirimu"

hugs & love....
ur daughter, ciksejadahchenta~


  1. Saya pon syg Mak saya .... Rindu...

  2. sape x sayang...sape x rindu....sampaikan salam rindu dgn 'bekalan' utk dia kecapi di sana...insyaAllah...dgn bekalan itu, dia boley rasa rindu kiter :)


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