Thursday, May 9, 2013

Sooner or Later

Mode: Need a reason to continue walking!

Firstly nk ckp...i am very the very frustrated & disappointed utk melihat islam didaulatkan di bumi bertuah bernama Malaysia...means, thn ni ader lagi lah Hari Belia Negara wut so ever....
I'm sick with that! Tgk anak2 muda belia remaja bercampur tanpa ada batasan!
~well said, semoga Allah berikan hidayah kepada kita semua!
Nampaknya kempunan nk tgk UAI mai ptjy wat kuliah & kempunannnn nk berpusu2 pi kuliah UAI dgn golongan2 belia yg lain! eh, belia lagi kah aku nieh? eh shadap!! x pela, aku menumpang selangor lagi lah gamaknya....till 5 thn lagi! adeh~~

Live being so boring? hurm, ntah! no goal to achieve! & sumtimes got to say that i'm blank to think! there's no more somebody that i love to more shoulders to cry...& for sure, worst come to worst, i need to stay & rilex!?


1 comment:

  1. Live being so boring? hurm, ntah! no goal to achieve! & sumtimes got to say that i'm blank to think! there's no more somebody that i love to more shoulders to cry...& for sure, worst come to worst, i need to stay & rilex!?..................

    apa ni????
    "no more somebody that i love to lean????"

    don't loose ur hope..have faith


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